Ugh, trying to get everything in order. Once I think I have it all figure out in the easiest way possible my fingers begin typing in the Google search engine again. Now, instead of making your purchases here on the blog itself, you can now do one stop shopping at the
Dark Rose Knits Online Store. Shipping is better regulated and I can hold sales much easier.
All purchases are still done through PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account don't fret. You do not need one to pay for your items. Just follow the instructions on the PayPal page. :)
Coming soon: Order forms for custom orders. Is there something that you have seen but would like in a different color or maybe multiple colors? Or maybe you want a scarf that's SUPER long? Whatever the case may be, these forms will allow you to pick and choose as you please. I will only be taking a limited amount of order forms per month to save on the back order head ache.
I know that I don't ship outside of the US at this time, but as Dark Rose Knits grows, so will our shipping locations.